Tech Team, Investigator
What got you interested in the paranormal?
My Fiance Tracey started Dark Angels Paranormal and has a real passion for the paranormal and the Team. I developed a love for the paranormal from her.
What is your greatest experience so far with the Paranormal?
We moved into the property we are in now and soon realised we were not alone. A little girl in spirit loved to play games with us and move objects around. We loved having her around but decided to hold an investigation to see if she needed help or had a message to share. After the investigation she passed over but we do miss her.
Where is your dream location to investigate or research more deeply?
New Zealand’s oldest church which is in Russell and its surroundings. It is known as the “hell hole of the pacific” and has a dark history.
What do you want to achieve while working with the team?
A better understanding of the paranormal, spirituality and NZ history.
Just for fun
If you could ask a spirit one question, what would it be?
Can u get a message to my father?
Are you afraid of anything?
Clowns; so I won't investigate a circus lol.